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Research Overview

 Our research is concerned with the application of nanoparticles and nucleic acids with the aim of exploring and exploiting nanoscale advantages in the world of material chemistry, to address significant chemical, biochemical, and technological problems. By approaching nanoscience from a multidisciplinary perspective, integrating biomaterials, inorganic materials, and small molecules via noncovalent and covalent interactions, we can develop new hybrid materials with emergent properties. Our main research objectives are the development of novel strategies and approaches, providing versatile tools to form composite, nano-scaled, precisely-controlled structures and ultra-sensitive DNA machineries. My mentoring and educational objectives are to establish a fascinating and attractive interdisciplinary field that can join students, postdocs, and researchers from different areas of science. I believe that the multidisciplinary emphasis of my research creates an atmosphere of varied and collaborative work that motivates students and promotes independence as they explore new and challenging areas.

Specific Research Topics

  • DNA Nanotechnology: Design and applications of novel complex molecular topologies using nucleic acids and their biological consequences.

  • Construction and characterization of novel RNA-based self-assemblies for biomedical applications.

  • Synthesis of programmable assemblies of colloidal nanoparticles with specific and anisotropic bonding directionality.

  • Synthesis, purification, and functionalization of anisotropic nanoparticles for studies relating to plasmonics and biomedical applications.

  • Design and development of light-based programmable nucleic acid amplification methods for real-time bioassays using photothermal nanoparticles.

We are grateful to the following for funding and supporting our research:

Funded in Partnership with Zuckerman STE
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@2020 Weizmann Group. All rights reserved

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